With Christmas and New Year’s Day fast approaching, now is
the perfect time to reset your life! Get rid of all the stressful, messy clutter,
both mental and physical and begin the year with a clean, fresh, orderly
Just like with computers, sometimes we have so much stuff in
our lives that mere existence becomes slow and sluggish. When that happens, we
need to reset everything. Get rid of the extra unused apps and restore
ourselves to factory settings.
I began this process myself about a week ago, and I can
already tell a great difference in every area of my life. It’s much easier now
to decide what to prepare for dinner, to make out a grocery list, to choose
what to wear, and to just find what I’m looking for without having to tear the
house apart. I've even managed to discover great Christmas presents for family
and friends without having to spend a penny. And on top of that, I've made
extra money to use for other Christmas presents by selling some of my things
that, quite frankly, haven’t seen the light of day in years. (Christmas time is
definitely the best time to employ this system.) But best of all is the
incredible feeling of freedom and relief that came from removing the
unnecessary mess that other people didn't notice, but that I knew was there.
Naturally, there are varying degrees of involvement in a
plan like this, so I’m going to list the steps I took, and you can decide which
of them will work best for you. If you can, you may even want to get everyone
else out of the house for a day and just tackle it all at once. If you can’t do
that, try one area a day. If you can’t do that, take 5 minutes out of every 30
for a day. If you can’t do that, remove one thing from every area every time
you enter that space. See, no excuses. Just remember: stay strong, keep your
goal in mind, and don’t be wishy-washy! You CAN do this!
Step 1
Disposal of Items – Decide on the methods of disposal you
will wish to employ. For me, I divided mine into: donate to family/friends,
donate to resale stores/charities, sell on eBay (you need a backup plan for
items that don’t sell. Otherwise, you run the risk of them ending back up in
your closets), sell at consignment shops, put in keepsake box. (For me, this
keepsake box is a cedar chest. I’ve allowed myself to keep as many memories as
I can fit in that chest. Once the chest is full, I have to take something out before
I can add anything new.)
Step 2
Clothes – (This was a two-step process for me.)
Go through and pull out everything that you
haven’t worn in a while or that you don’t like. Remember, you’re trying to
lighten your load, so be brutal! Be decisive! Keep your goal in mind!
After you do that, turn all of your clothes
hanger hooks the opposite way. (If this is done correctly, you’ll have to
remove the hanger from the bar towards the back instead of the front.) When you
wear something and rehang it (after washing, of course), hang it back the right
way. Now, next year, when you do this again, you can get rid of anything that
is on a backwards hanging hanger because you’ll know that you haven’t worn it
in a year. (I did this with my shoes as well. I turned the toes to face the
wall, and when I wear them, I turn the toes out.)
Step 3
Jewelry – Don’t forget these items. You can go through them
the same way you did your clothes, and if you have room, hang or place all of
them you want to keep in a separate location, so that you can move the ones you
use and know, next year, which ones you can get eliminate from your space. If
you have nice jewelry that you don’t wear, but you don’t want to get rid of
because they’re nice, either give them away as Christmas presents or take them
to a jewelry store that does consignment. Or, if you’re an EBayer, sell them
that way.
Step 4
Toys – repeat the previous steps. If after you get rid of
all of the toys that your children don’t play with, you still have too many for
the space, try putting half of them in a plastic container and storing them in
an attic or basement. In six months, bring those back out and store the other
half. Your kids will enjoy seeing their old toys again. They’ll almost seem
Step 5
Food – This one was very enlightening. I never realized just
how long I've been holding on to some food items that “last forever.” I
discovered the truth one day when I opened a pouch of cheese to make shells and
cheese for supper. It didn't take much to realize that the cheese packet had
expired. One look at the greasy, gooey mess told me all I needed to know. That
led to an examination of my pantry. I went through and began throwing away
expired boxes and cans left and right. From there, I tackled the condiment
shelf in my refrigerator. (Apparently ketchup isn't immortal either.) From the refrigerator,
I progressed to the spice cabinet. About an hour and two full trash bags later,
I paused to lament over the amount of food I’d wasted by “having something else
to eat instead” so often.
Step 6
Recipes – Surely, I’m not the only one who has a drawer,
box, cabinet, or bookshelf full of cookbooks and/or recipes that I can’t get
rid of because “I might want to try them someday.” I decided to tackle those as
well. After all, I don’t think I've gotten more than 5 new recipes in as many
years. (Not counting the Pinterest ones on my computer, of course.) That means
that all of the ones I currently possess have been sitting there for longer
than that. If I haven’t prepared them by now, most likely, I wouldn't Soooo,
the unused ones had to go. (If you aren't sure about some that you really do
want to try someday, consider putting them on your computer, so they don’t take
up room in the house. This also works when you have a few recipes you like in a
cookbook. Put them on the computer and get rid of the big cookbook.) I must
admit that I was a little surprised at just how old some of my recipes were. I've copied my favorite below. (It must have been from my old high school home ec. days.)
2 pieces of white bread
2 tsp. of table fat
Toast bread on both sides. Spread table fat evenly on both
sides. Serves 2.
Yummm!!! Table fat. ;)
Finally, Step 7
The Junk Drawer – Admit it; you have one. Don’t we all? That
drawer in the kitchen where you throw everything that doesn't have a specific
place of its own: twisty ties, stray tacks, pencils, the odd bendy straw, “to
do” notepads, clothes pins for potato
chip bags, and bunches and bunches of random stray papers with everything from
phone numbers to reminder notes jotted down on them. Clean it out! Put the
important phone numbers, notes, etc. in your smart phone or on your computer,
get an organizing tray to put in the drawer and separate the twisty ties,
pencils, etc. that you actually use. Throw everything else away.
Some other areas you might want to tackle: desk and paperwork,
cookware and dinnerware, bathroom make-up drawer/spa-like indulgences,
When you finish, and this is very important to the process,
get a glass of your favorite drink, hot chocolate is good this time of year,
and sip on it slowly as you walk through your house admiring the clean and
organized new space. Don’t worry if you
feel an upwelling of satisfaction surge through you. This is normal, as is the
huge grin that will appear on your face. Just enjoy the sensation. You deserve
A lighthearted as well as useful post. If I had a house of my own, I'm fairly certain it would have inspired me to clean it! I especially like the part about tricking your kids by storing their old toys i the attic and taking them out later. All the benefits of new toys without the cost! Brilliant.
ReplyDeleteThanks Peter. :)