Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Find Your "Me"

I’m not me. But I am. What I mean is that even when I’m not me, I still am me. Does that clear it up? :) Maybe you can relate. Sometimes, I don’t feel like me at all. Me is still there deep down inside, but it’s covered by layer upon layer of “sort of me.” Just the other day, for example, I found myself in a situation that’s a little different from my norm. The normal “me,” when I’m alone at least, is rather subdued and quiet. The other day, my “me” was positively bubbly. I smiled and laughed and was an absolute joy to be around if I do say so myself. As soon as the people I was talking to left, my smile diminished, and I had to stretch my mouth to work out the soreness left from the unusual overexertion. During those moments, I wasn’t me. But I was.

Now some people would just frown and shake their heads and call me a fake. But was that being fake? It was still me. Just a less-often-seen version of me.

That got me to thinking. Many people try hard to change various aspects of themselves every day and are greatly applauded for it. We are even encouraged to do so every time we turn on the television, radio, Facebook, or even news. You are overweight and unhealthy. Change yourself by trying this diet. You have a problem. Buy our “self-help” book to make yourself better. Etc. But if someone tries to make even the smallest changes to their personality, they are often called “fake.”

What about when we adapt ourselves to different situations in other areas of life? You know what I mean. If you’re a blue-jeans and T-shirt kind of person, and you have to go to a dressy event, you’ll dress appropriately. You know how to adapt to various places that you find yourself in. If you also adapt your personality to fit the situation, is that not the same thing? Can that still be considered your “me,” or are you trying to be someone else? Are you being fake?

Can I only be one “me”? I don’t think so. I think well-rounded individuals know how to handle their different “me’s.” Someone with true wisdom and experience knows when to be “me” and when to not be “me” but still be “me.”

Decide which “me” you want to be today and embrace it. Even if it is a “not me” “me.”


Disclaimer: This blog post is not talking about multiple personalities. That’s a whole other discussion. :)